We are…

Child Custody Lawyers

Child custody lawyers, also known as child visitation lawyers, assist you with the legal process of determining who the children live with and how much time they spend with the other parent after separation.

REASONS YOU MIGHT NEED A child custody lawyer

  • Are you preparing to go through separation and feel child custody will be an issue?
  • Are you being denied access to your children?
  • Is your former partner emotionally or physically abusive towards the children?
  • Are you seeking equally shared parental responsibility?


Our child custody lawyers have experience with cases involving both joint child custody and full child custody cases. We can  provide legal advice for  fathers seeking child custody and child custody for mothers. Our aim is to keep your family matter out of court and help you negotiate a binding child support agreement that works for you and your children.

We've been there..

With years of professional and personal experience in Family Law, we genuinely understand the importance of moving on with your life.

 No surprises..

We understand concerns about unexpectedly large legal bills and disclose legal costs upfront so that you can make informed decisions.

Stay in control..

We achieve the best outcomes for our clients by fighting from your corner with a conciliatory instead of adversarial approach to family law.

Call 0400 714 714
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